Effective Homework Help Strategies: 7 Parent-Approved Tips

Effective Homework Help Strategies: 7 Parent-Approved Tips

To provide effective strategies for supporting your child’s learning at home, we asked seven professionals, including a Dad Coach and a CEO, to share their most effective homework help strategies. From cultivating a growth mindset to implementing a structured, goal-oriented study schedule, these experts offer a wealth of insights to help your child succeed.

  • Cultivate a Growth Mindset
  • Support a Conducive Study Environment
  • Enhance Learning with Creativity
  • Set Up Personalized Learning Zones for Each Child
  • Foster a Disciplined Learning Schedule and Supportive Environment
  • Schedule Active-Learning Breaks for Improved Retention
  • Create a Structured, Goal-Oriented Study Schedule

Cultivate a Growth Mindset

In my role as a dad-coach, I’ve uncovered a potent homework strategy tied to Carol Dweck’s enduring principles. It’s about cultivating a growth mindset, not just for quick fixes, but as a steadfast, lasting approach.

Personally, as a father, I’ve witnessed the power of instilling this mindset at home. Encouraging my child to embrace challenges and view mistakes as stepping stones fosters a love for learning. This mindset shapes not only homework but life itself. It nurtures resilience, persistence, and a profound understanding that hard work today paves the path to accomplishments tomorrow.

Gareth WallGareth Wall
Dad Coach, Be A Super Dad

Support a Conducive Study Environment

One effective homework-help strategy I’ve found is creating a dedicated and organized study space for my child at home. By providing them with a quiet and comfortable environment, it fosters focus and minimizes distractions during study sessions.

Additionally, setting a consistent homework routine helps establish a sense of structure and responsibility. Encouraging open communication and offering assistance when needed also reinforces their confidence and motivation. Regularly checking in on their progress and celebrating their achievements further reinforces a positive learning experience.

Overall, creating a conducive study environment and offering support ensures my child’s learning at home is productive and enjoyable.

Aviad FaruzAviad Faruz
CEO, Know Mastery

Enhance Learning with Creativity

Encouraging your child to use their imagination and creativity is a great way to support their learning at home. For example, they can make a collage of different animals that live in a rainforest, or a map showing the route of a trip abroad.

This will not only help them to remember the information that they have been taught, but it will also develop their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills.

Matthew RamirezMatthew Ramirez
Co-Founder, USMLE Test Prep

Set Up Personalized Learning Zones for Each Child

As a parent to five children, I’ve experienced a range of study nights, numerous book reports, and countless math problems. Amidst the mix of groans, “eureka” moments, and late-night cramming sessions, I’ve stumbled upon a strategy: creating personalized “Learning Zones.” Each of my children has their rhythm, like a distinct melody.

By tuning in to their wavelengths, I’ve established learning spaces. Some thrive in corners with lighting, while others prefer the buzz of activity around them and a cozy spot by the window. Adding some inspiring quotes and their favorite stationery completes the setup! It’s not just about surroundings; it’s also about finding the time for them to be most receptive. For some, it’s after school; for others, it’s after some playtime and relaxation.

This tailored approach not only cultivates a love for learning, but it also celebrates each child’s uniqueness. With five kids and five different zones, we embrace our shared passion for education!

Jacob MaslowJacob Maslow
Owner, Rest Equation

Foster a Disciplined Learning Schedule and Supportive Environment

Children work best when they have a specific time assigned for each task. Creating schedules or timetables works well for some. Build this into their routine, and assist them in developing a disciplined learning schedule. Fix 2-3 hours for homework.


Evening time, right after school, works best, as they are still fresh and active. Some children get too lazy and sleepy to do homework late at night. Make sure you create a fun and safe environment for them. Scolding and taunting them will only make things more difficult for you.

Perry ZhengPerry Zheng
Founder and CEO, Pallas

Schedule Active-Learning Breaks for Improved Retention

Incorporating active-learning pauses has proven to be a highly effective strategy in supporting a child’s learning at home. Engaging in brief physical activities such as stretching, jumping jacks, and even dancing during these pauses has been beneficial.

These breaks not only recharge a child’s mind and energy levels but also improve concentration and retention by increasing blood flow and intellectual activity. They make studying more pleasant and enhance a child’s overall engagement with and knowledge of the material. Putting movement into learning promotes a positive attitude toward assignments and makes the learning process more dynamic and efficient.

Nilesh RakholiaNilesh Rakholia
Director, Abelini

Create a Structured, Goal-Oriented Study Schedule

Setting a regular schedule for studying is helpful for your child in many ways. It is good for effective learning and time management. For the first five days, sit with your child to help him determine his academic goals and priorities. Which subjects and topics does he need to focus on?

Set aside time for outdoor activities as well, so that your child can’t ask for it at any time. He will know when it’s time to play outside. Identify your child’s peak productivity time. Find out when your child feels most alert and focused during the day. That way, you can schedule the most challenging tasks for these times.

Create a weekly study schedule so that you and your child can track progress throughout the week and plan for the next week accordingly. Setting a regular schedule may seem challenging, but it’s not. Support your child in setting a schedule for five days, and after this, he will start to do it on his own.

Saikat GhoshSaikat Ghosh
Associate Director of HR and Business, Technource

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