Encouraging Creativity: 4 Arts and Crafts Supplies to Keep Handy

Encouraging Creativity: 4 Arts and Crafts Supplies to Keep Handy

In the quest to ignite the creative flames in our children, we’ve gathered insights from founders and CEOs who value the power of art. From stocking basic coloring supplies to maintaining a variety of creative tools, here are four key strategies these leaders recommend to keep arts and crafts supplies ready for any burst of imagination.

  • Stock Basic Coloring Supplies
  • Provide Open-Access Crafting Materials
  • Incorporate Nature into Art Projects
  • Maintain a Variety of Creative Tools

Stock Basic Coloring Supplies

The basics: crayons or markers, colored paper, and stickers. Children, depending on their age, love coloring and drawing to tell stories, make cards, write messages, create art for family members, make personalized wrapping paper, paper fans, paper planes, and a number of other activities.

Avanti PaulAvanti Paul
Founder, Presently

Provide Open-Access Crafting Materials

The very idea of trying to spark creativity and imagination in kids is seemingly impossible. What is more realistic is that a child will come to a project, or a collection of supplies, with their own unique perspective; and that perspective will change as they grow and experience their level of skills. We have seen that baskets and buckets of readily available materials are best left out in the open and nearby, rather than hidden in organized drawers or cabinets.

Secondly, we have seen how just the gentlest of nudges, rather than hovering guidance, leads to the greatest productivity and creativity. Another successful effort has been to encourage the children to bring to a project items they “discover,” including from nature. A collection of leaves or rocks has become the centerpiece of some of their masterpieces.

Additionally, we have asked family members to bring unusual pieces of potential craft supplies, such as Grandma’s leftover knitting yarn and gift-wrap ribbons. These unexpected craft supplies seem to spark some of that hidden imagination.

Ashley KennyAshley Kenny
Co-Founder, Heirloom Video Books

Incorporate Nature into Art Projects

In our home, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Beskids, we embrace the outdoors as our main source of inspiration. Our arts and crafts corner is a reflection of this—stocked with colored pencils, watercolors, and various papers, inviting my child to depict the meadow’s vibrant flora and fauna.

Sketching the rolling hills, drawing the wildflowers, or painting the butterflies we see, each activity is a celebration of our surroundings. I often share tales of my own childhood adventures in these meadows, instilling a deep love for this special place. We collect leaves, twigs, and stones during our walks, which become central to our craft projects. These natural treasures, combined with art supplies, allow my child to create unique, earthy artworks.

My advice to others is to let nature be your guide. Encourage your children to observe and interpret the beauty around them through art. It’s not just about fostering creativity; it’s about connecting deeply with our environment and creating lasting memories. This approach has brought immense joy and a sense of wonder to our family life, nurturing a bond with nature that I hope will last a lifetime.

Agnieszka RusinekAgnieszka Rusinek
CEO, Meadow’s Tale

Maintain a Variety of Creative Tools

As a parent, I understand the importance of fostering creativity and imagination in my children, and one way to do so is by keeping a variety of arts and crafts supplies readily available. Among the essentials are colorful markers, crayons, and colored pencils, which allow my children to express themselves through drawing and coloring.

In addition to the basics, I make sure to have plenty of construction paper, glue, and child-safe scissors on hand for collage-making and other paper crafts. These basic supplies serve as the foundation for countless creative projects, from making greeting cards to constructing 3D sculptures. By providing a diverse range of arts and crafts supplies, I aim to inspire my children to explore their imaginations, develop their fine motor skills, and cultivate a lifelong love for creative expression.

Andre OentoroAndre Oentoro
CEO and Founder, Breadnbeyond

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