Encouraging Independence in Extracurricular Pursuits: 4 Parenting Approaches

Encouraging Independence in Extracurricular Pursuits: 4 Parenting Approaches

We’ve gathered insights from founders and CEOs on how to strike the perfect balance between fostering independence and providing support in your children’s extracurricular activities. From supporting with a subtle presence to introducing mentors for independent growth, discover the top four strategies these experienced parents recommend.

  • Support with a Subtle Presence
  • Nurture Independence with Guided Support
  • Delegate to Encourage Growth
  • Introduce Mentors for Independent Growth

Support with a Subtle Presence

In my children’s extracurricular endeavors, I strive to be a supportive figure, present yet unobtrusive. My attendance at their events is a silent testament to my support, yet I consciously refrain from steering their experiences. This subtle presence allows them to savor their activities, free from the weight of expectations.

Simultaneously, I recognize the importance of stepping back, allowing them the space to navigate their own challenges. Whether it’s resolving a team conflict or overcoming a personal hurdle, I offer guidance but encourage them to take the lead in finding solutions. This practice is not just about solving the immediate problem; it’s about equipping them with the skills to navigate life’s complexities.

This balanced approach aims to foster a sense of independence in my children, nurturing their ability to make decisions and solve problems, while ensuring they know they have a supportive safety net in their corner.

Amy JohnsonAmy Johnson
Founder and Blogger, AmyBabys.com

Nurture Independence with Guided Support

My parenting approach is centered around nurturing independence in my kids’ extracurricular pursuits while being a supportive guide. I encourage them to explore various activities to identify their interests. Once they’ve chosen, I assist in facilitating their involvement, providing necessary resources and logistical support.

Communication is key—I engage in open discussions, listen attentively to their thoughts, concerns, and successes in their extracurriculars. I offer guidance and advice based on their needs and challenges, emphasizing the importance of commitment and perseverance. While I’m present to provide encouragement and support, I gradually encourage them to take the lead in decision-making.

I celebrate their achievements, both big and small, to boost their confidence and reinforce their efforts. At the same time, I teach them the value of learning from setbacks, promoting resilience and problem-solving skills.

Arum KaruniantiArum Karunianti
Project Specialist, Voissee

Delegate to Encourage Growth

As a parent and business owner, it’s easy for me to fall into the trap of bossing at home. I want my kids’ lives to be fun, connected, and easy, and if that meant stepping into their extracurriculars, I was more than willing.

But taking an overly managerial role in the family extracurriculars can prevent your kids from developing independence. I thought I was doing the right thing by coaching their Little League, working the school car wash fundraiser, and volunteering to be a Scout leader, but actually, my involvement was preventing them from growing up.

So I stepped back and decided to focus on only one extracurricular for each child. The rest I let other parents step in and handle, and this gives my kids a chance to adapt to other styles of leadership and find their own way.

Rob ReevesRob Reeves
CEO and President, Redfish Technology

Introduce Mentors for Independent Growth

Connect your children with mentors in their chosen extracurricular activities to foster independence. Mentors provide guidance and advice, allowing children to make independent decisions while still receiving support.

For example, if your child is interested in playing the piano, introduce them to a skilled pianist who can mentor them. The pianist can offer guidance on practice routines, technique, and performance opportunities. Through this mentorship, your child gains independence in their piano journey while benefiting from the wisdom and experience of someone who has already traversed that path.

Ben LauBen Lau
Founder, Featured SEO Company

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