Overcoming Burnout in Young Achievers: 4 Supportive Measures

Overcoming Burnout in Young Achievers: 4 Supportive Measures

In the whirlwind of extracurricular activities, it’s crucial for parents to guide their children away from burnout. We’ve gathered insights from a founder and a running coach, among others, to bring you four key strategies. From teaching kids to recognize stress to instilling the importance of balance and prioritization, discover how to keep your child’s enthusiasm healthy and sustainable.

  • Teach Kids to Recognize Stress
  • Limit Practice for Balance
  • Emphasize Rest and Mindful Commitment
  • Instill Importance of Balance and Prioritization

Teach Kids to Recognize Stress

To help kids avoid burnout, it’s important to have open conversations with them about how they’re feeling and whether their current schedule is manageable. In practice, teaching them to listen to their bodies and recognize early signs of stress or fatigue can be empowering, as they will be able to make healthier choices about their time.

The key is to balance their activities with adequate rest to prevent burnout and maintain the same enjoyment and engagement they have in the activities they love.

Bayu PrihanditoBayu Prihandito
Founder, Psychology Consultant, Life Coach for Men, Life Architekture

Limit Practice for Balance

My 10-year-old son plays baseball and wants to be on the field every day. He plays for our local Little League as well as two travel ball teams, so baseball could easily be a daily event for him. But he also realizes that as much as he loves the sport, there are other things in life worthy of his attention.

We limit his practices to 3-4 days per week, even if it means skipping a practice here or there. This teaches him to prioritize self-care and make time for other things he enjoys. It also helps him to develop other interests and skills and become a well-rounded person, not just an athlete. We advocate these things for him and let him be involved in decisions. This way, he’s accepting and appreciative of the outcome.

Alli HillAlli Hill
Founder and Director, Fleurish Freelance

Emphasize Rest and Mindful Commitment

Helping my kids avoid burnout while they enthusiastically participate in multiple extracurricular activities, including the soccer team I coach, requires a careful balance of encouragement and mindfulness. I ensure that there’s a strong emphasis on the importance of rest and recovery, not just for their physical health but for mental well-being too. We have open conversations about listening to their bodies and recognizing signs of fatigue, which is crucial for preventing burnout.

I also work with my kids to prioritize their activities and manage their time effectively. We discuss what they enjoy most and what aligns with their goals, which helps them make informed decisions about where to dedicate their energy. This approach teaches them the value of commitment and the skill of time management while allowing them to engage deeply with the activities they are most passionate about.

Moreover, I make sure that downtime and unstructured play are non-negotiable parts of their schedules. This free time is essential for relaxation and creativity, providing a counterbalance to their structured activities. By fostering an environment where rest is valued as much as activity, I help my kids maintain their enthusiasm and avoid the pitfalls of burnout, all while developing into well-rounded individuals with a healthy relationship with extracurriculars.

Joshua BartlettJoshua Bartlett
Running Coach, Your Next Run

Instill Importance of Balance and Prioritization

To help my kids avoid burnout while participating in multiple extracurricular activities, I emphasize the importance of balance and prioritization. We have open discussions about their interests and commitments, encouraging them to choose activities they are genuinely passionate about and to manage their time effectively to avoid overloading their schedules.

Additionally, we schedule regular downtime and relaxation periods to ensure they have time to recharge and decompress.

Madison TMadison T
Ecommerce Manager, My Supplement Store

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