Balancing Screen Time for Educational Purposes: 7 Expert Tips

Balancing Screen Time for Educational Purposes: 7 Expert Tips

In the digital age, finding the right educational balance for our children can be challenging. We’ve gathered seven insights from experts, including a parenting expert and an e-commerce manager, offering strategies from structured flexibility in learning to engaging with your child during screen time.

  • Blend Structure with Flexibility in Learning
  • Use Educational Apps as Learning Tools
  • Schedule Screen Time and Parental Involvement
  • Promote Both Digital and Hands-On Learning
  • Be Intentional Using Educational Screens
  • Combine Tech with Traditional Learning
  • Engage with Your Child During Screen Time

Blend Structure with Flexibility in Learning

In my experience, maintaining a balance between educational screen time and other activities requires a blend of structure and flexibility. We use educational apps for specific, focused periods of learning.

Be firm on the time but flexible on the content; let your child choose from a pre-approved list of educational resources. This gives them a sense of control and makes learning fun.Unplugged periods are equally important. Encourage activities that develop their creativity, physical strength, or social skills. It’s not about keeping them away from the screen entirely but about creating a diverse world for them to explore and learn.

Iesha MullaIesha Mulla
Parenting Expert, Co-Founder, Parental Questions

Use Educational Apps as Learning Tools

We’re forever striving for balance in life, and finding the sweet spot of utilizing and embracing educational apps and online resources while also limiting screen time can feel like an ongoing process. A helpful process can be to consider the different uses of screens—entertainment vs. education, for example—and which are monitored and which are not, as your child will have a different relationship with each.

Additionally, educational apps and online resources can be seen as a jumping-off point for many other educational experiences rather than being viewed or used in silo. For example, are there printable resources available to complement and reinforce the learning completed on screen, rather than revisiting the same digital touchpoint?

By viewing these apps or resources as part of your education toolkit rather than the central figure, the balance is likely to come more naturally for the benefit of you and your child.

Jessica HighamJessica Higham
Marketing Manager, This is School

Schedule Screen Time and Parental Involvement

We implement a structured approach. We established a dedicated time slot for screen-based educational activities, creating a clear and defined schedule to which both my child and I adhere.

Setting a specific time for educational screen use serves multiple purposes. It helps integrate technology into the learning routine while also preventing excessive and uncontrolled screen exposure. This intentional approach ensures that the screen time is purposeful and aligned with educational goals.

As a parent, active supervision plays a crucial role in maintaining this balance. I make it a point to be present and engaged during my child’s screen time, actively participating in the learning process.

Marissa SabrinaMarissa Sabrina
Creative Director, LeadLearnLeap

Promote Both Digital and Hands-on Learning

Find a balance by setting specific screen-time limits and selecting high-quality, educational apps. Incorporate diverse offline activities to ensure a well-rounded learning experience, promoting both digital literacy and hands-on engagement for your child.

John FrigoJohn Frigo
Ecommerce Manager, Best Price Nutrition

Be Intentional Using Educational Screens

Striking a balance between using educational apps and limiting screen time involves setting structured schedules and being selective about content. It’s important to allocate specific times for educational screen use, ensuring it doesn’t interfere with other essential activities like physical play, family time, or sleep.

Choosing high-quality, interactive educational content that actively engages the child rather than passive screen time is also crucial. For example, using an app that teaches coding through interactive problem-solving can be more beneficial than passive video watching. Regular discussions about what they’re learning through these apps can also enhance the educational value and make screen time more meaningful.

Einav BiriEinav Biri

Combine Tech with Traditional Learning

I appreciate the value of technology in enhancing a child’s learning experience. My approach is to implement a learning regimen that combines the usage of top-notch educational apps—focusing on mental and emotional development—with just enough screen time to pique my child’s interest.

Simultaneously, real-world experiences and physical activities are equally crucial. They nurture creativity and curiosity, adding crucial balance. The aim is to seamlessly integrate technology with traditional learning methods, creating an inclusive, balanced learning atmosphere.

Nooran ZafarmandNooran Zafarmand
Co-Founder and CEO, Japamana

Engage with Your Child During Screen Time

To strike a balance between using educational apps or online resources and limiting screen time for your child’s learning, establish clear screen time limits, prioritize high-quality and age-appropriate content, and use technology as a supplement to traditional learning methods.

Actively engage with your child during screen time, set tech-free zones and times, and encourage a diverse range of offline activities. Monitor your child’s usage, model healthy tech behavior, and communicate openly about the importance of balance. Foster offline learning with books, puzzles, and hands-on activities, and regularly assess and adjust the balance based on your child’s age and evolving needs, aiming for a well-rounded and enriching learning environment.

Madison TMadison T
Ecommerce Manager, My Supplement Store

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