7 Unconventional Homeschooling Methods that Might Surprise You

7 Unconventional Homeschooling Methods that Might Surprise You

In search of innovative homeschooling methods, we turned to seven experienced individuals, including founders and co-founders, who have successfully navigated this educational path. From practical activities reinforcing academic concepts to adventure-based learning sparking creativity and engagement, these leaders share their surprisingly effective approaches to engage their children’s learning.

  • Practical Activities Reinforces Academic Concepts
  • Longer Breaks Enhances Retention and Enjoyment
  • A Fictional World Enhances Learning Experiences
  • Real-Life Scenarios Teach Practical Skills
  • Art Integration Enhances Subject Understanding
  • Role-Playing Immerses Child in Subjects
  • Adventure-Based Learning Sparks Creativity and Engagement

Practical Activities Reinforce Academic Concepts

One homeschooling approach I use regularly is to follow up paper questions with real-life activities that demonstrate the lesson practically. For instance, if my child is working out math problems on paper, then I may ask him to count out some grapes for me for lunch.

Then, I act like I want to take away some and get him to subtract them and tell me the total. I do this for all kinds of things. He then remembers math concepts better because they are reiterated through action. Yet, he doesn’t realize it. It’s a win-win for me.

Michael GorlovskyMichael Gorlovsky
Orthodontist, Windermere Orthodontics

Longer Breaks Enhance Retention and Enjoyment

While the typical school provides 5-10 minute breaks (except for lunch) between classes, we give our kids 20-60 minutes to let their brains fully recover from the learning period. The benefit to this is twofold. For one, they retain much more of what they learn.

Second, and equally important, they do not feel overwhelmed or anxious about having to go from subject to subject. Collectively, this creates a much better environment for enjoying, if not loving, the learning process.

Jason VaughtJason Vaught
Director of Content, SmashBrand

A Fictional World Enhances Learning Experiences

I tried a complex but effective method for my child’s homeschooling. It is called “A Fictional World for Homeschooling.” It is a fun and engaging way to enhance learning experiences. You have to think about three things: Theme and Genre, Cultures and Societies, and Create a Backstory.

It can be a futuristic city or an ancient world. Give a name to the world, create a basic map, outline its geography, and include continents, oceans, and landmarks. Develop different societies and civilizations that exist within the world. Consider their beliefs and way of life.

Don’t forget to establish a history for the world. It will make your child curious. He will feel more engaged with the story and the world. Create a few main characters who will interact with your child during the educational adventures.

These characters can be teachers, mentors, guides, and parents. Each character is going to represent different aspects of the world. Don’t forget to frame challenges within a narrative structure.

Saikat GhoshSaikat Ghosh
Associate Director of HR and Business, Technource

Real-Life Scenarios Teach Practical Skills

Teaching practical skills like building a fire, navigating with a compass, or identifying edible plants instills self-reliance, problem-solving abilities, and connects learning to real-life scenarios. For example, during a camping trip, my child learned how to set up a tent, cook over a fire, and identify animal tracks. These activities not only engaged their interest but also taught them important life skills.

Ben LauBen Lau
Founder, Featured SEO Company

Art Integration Enhances Subject Understanding

Integrating art activities into various subjects can engage your child’s learning in homeschooling. For example, in math, your child can create geometric art pieces by exploring symmetry, angles, and patterns. In science, they can paint or draw the life cycle of a butterfly, reinforcing their understanding.

Similarly, in literature, they can illustrate scenes from their favorite books, enhancing their comprehension and fostering a deeper connection with the story. By incorporating art, children develop creativity, critical thinking, and emotional expression, making the learning process more engaging and enjoyable.

Roy LauRoy Lau
Co-Founder, 28 Mortgage

Role-Playing Immerses Child in Subjects

Incorporating role-playing into homeschooling can be remarkably effective for engaging a child’s learning. By assuming different roles, such as a teacher, scientist, or historical figure, children actively experience and immerse themselves in various subjects. They can explore different perspectives, develop empathy, and enhance critical-thinking skills.

For example, if studying history, the child could dress up as historical figures, conduct research, and engage in discussions or debates as if they were living in that era. This approach allows for hands-on learning, stimulates creativity, and makes the subject matter come alive.

Yoana WongYoana Wong
Co-Founder, Secret Florists

Adventure-Based Learning Sparks Creativity and Engagement

I introduced adventure-based learning, where we turned our home into different “lands” or “countries” each week. We’d research the culture, history, and even cuisine of that place. Math problems involved currency conversions, and science experiments related to geographical features.

For instance, during “Ancity Egypt” week, we built a miniature pyramid as a hands-on project. This immersive approach made learning feel like a thrilling journey, keeping my child engaged, eager to explore, and making connections between subjects in unexpected ways. It fostered a genuine love of learning and creativity.

Aviad FaruzAviad Faruz
CEO, Know Mastery

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